
Basic property information

Päärakennus building is situated on the Hervanta campus of the University of Tampere, east of the campus area, between Rakennustalo and Festia buildings. Päärakennus building houses for example study and work spaces and club rooms. The property is mostly used during office hours on weekdays, but the work and study facilities are available to students and personnel around the clock, including on weekends.

Basic information

Property name Hervannan kampus, Päärakennus
Building name Päärakennus
Building address Korkeakoulunkatu 10
Number of buildings 1
Property owner Suomen Yliopistokiinteistöt Oy
Year of construction 1983
Surface area 11,052 m²
Number of floors 7
Fire class P1
Building material Concrete
Use Institution

Other information

The site falls within the area of the following rescue service: Pirkanmaa .

Fire alarm manager Janne Puranen
Campusta Oy
phone 0503187132
Location of the fire alarm 1. floor A-section in the main lobby
Maintenance Campusta Oy
phone 0103408500
service 0103950395
Water company Tampereen kaupunki: Tampereen vesi
tel. 080090172
service line 080090172
Gathering area Steps outside the Festia building
Key storage lock box Next to the building´s main entrance
Heating type District heating
Main water shutoff In Rakennustalo building´s heat distribution room RD108
Electricity switchboard Basement floor A-section in room PA004
Ventilation device Five ventilation machinery rooms in total: basement floor C-section room PC017, 1. floor B-section room PB140 and C-section room PC116, 3. floor room PA331 on the rooftop, and 6. floor A-section room PA602
Air ventilation emergency stop

1. floor A-section in the main lobby. In addition, emergency stop for the air ventilation of all campus buildings on 0. floor from the central monitoring station

Number of people

During the day In the evening At night
On weekdays 500 100 30
On weekends 50 50 30

Update of the plan

The University of Tampere / University Security Manager is responsible of updating the plan, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

The plan must be updated at least once a year and whenever changes occur in the content of the plan. The plan will be approved by a member of the University ́s management after the completion of the plan.

After minor updates (individual organizational changes, small additions, or small changes), the plan does not need to be re-approved. After significant changes (policies, practices and major organisational changes, etc.), the plan must be re-approved.


Safety personnel for the property

Security manager , campus manager, safety matters that are the responsibility of the property owner Aapo Kauppinen
Suomen Yliopistokiinteistöt Oy
phone 0400774934
Occupational health and safety manager Kirsi Reiman
Tampereen yliopisto
phone 0408490461
Safety officer Riikka Laurila
Tampereen yliopisto
phone 0505605769
Facility safety specialist Juha Huhtala
Tampereen yliopisto
phone 0504478540

Important numbers of the property

Task Name Telephone number Service phone number
Maintenance company Campusta Oy 0103408500 0103950395
Lift maintenance KONE Hissit Oy 080015063
Lobby doorman Päärakennuksen infopiste 0294524010
Emergency surveillance Vartiointi: AVARN Security Oy 0505967120
Name Telephone number Duty hours
Burglar alarm: Service person Juha Huhtala 0504478540
Camera surveillance: Service person Juha Huhtala 0504478540
Fire alarm: Attendant Janne Puranen 0503187132
Maintenance duty HH-kiinteistöpalvelut Oy 0103950395 Outside of working hours

Other important numbers

Operator Telephone number Duty hours
Public emergency numbers 112 24 h
Poison information centre 0800 147 111 24 h


Risks of the Property

Fire and explosion

Possible causes of fire can be for example defective electric devices, careless smoking, working methods that cause sparking and sparks from the equipment, flammable chemicals and chemical leakage. Fire within the property can cause personal injuries and extensive financial damage, as well as disturbances and interruptions of operations.


Prone objects for arson are vehicles and flammable materials nearby the property. Arson can spread to a major fire that can cause personal injuries and extensive financial damage, as well as disturbances and interruptions of operations. Even a minor beginning of a fire causes structural damages, hazardous situations to personnel as well as additional repair work.


An occupational accident or a sudden attack of illness can happen to a student or staff member on the premises. Accidents can be caused by for example falling down, tripping, falling during repair or other work, work movements, heavy lifting, slipping on a chemical leak on the floor or a hazardous situation during a teaching situation. Accidents cause personal injuries, disturb the operation, financial expenses and absences from work.

Sabotage and vandalism

Staff members and students with individual access rights move within the property daily. Entrances are locked only at night, when the property can be entered with access permission. Possible sabotage and vandalism can cause major damage and interruption of operation, as well as hazardous situations for the students and personnel. The possibility of sabotage and vandalism is responded to with surveillance cameras. In addition, security is provided by a security company.

Theft and robbery

Reasons for theft or robbery can be, for example, need for money or interest in confidential information. The greatest possibility to encounter such an act is on a journey to and from work. Consequences for the victim can be mental and physical damages in addition to the financial losses or the loss of valuable information.

Bomb threat

Bomb threats can be caused by many reason. For example a disturbed person can direct his/her frustration towards all the people working and doing business in the property. A bomb threat causes mental suffering to all students and personnel, as well as financial expenses and disturb the normal operations.

Information security

An information leak or a malfunction in the information network are significant risks. Confidental information can fall into wrong hands if information security is jeopardized. Consequences can be financial expences as well as disturbances on operation of the entire facility.

Municipal infrastructure disruptions

Power cut

A power cut can be caused by a natural event such as a storm or lightning, but also electric failures and malfunctions, technological deficiencies or maintenance deficiences. Power cuts can cause risk of an electric fire, personal injuries, disturbances on and interruption of operation.

Water damage

Water damage can be caused by for example pipe breakage, freezing, blockage or machine damage. Water damage can cause excess water leakage or interruption of water flow to the facilities, and consequently restrictions for water use within the facilities.

Hazardous chemicals and gases

Chemicals can cause a health hazard as well as risk of accident, such as a fire or explosion. When entering soil, sewerage or waterbody, chemicals may cause an immediate or delayed danger to the environment.

Gas hazard in the property can be caused by the gases used in the property, such as gas cylinders, or by an external incident, for example an accident in transportation of hazardous substances near by. Consequences of a gas hazard can be for example danger of fire and explosion.

Radiation hazard

The propability of a nuclear emergency in Finland is very low. External radiation hazards can be caused by a domestic or foreign nuclear power plant accident, a fire or other accident in a facility that handles or stores radioactive material, or an accident in the transportation of radioactive material. The consequences of a nuclear accident are highly dependent on the source of the radiation, distance, environmental conditions and how the situation is responded to.

Environmental hazards

Environmental hazards can be caused by for example extinguishing wastewater leakage. Traffic causes a risk of accident to people moving on the premises, as well as an environmental risk by for example oil leakage from a traffic accident.

Personnel action in unexpected dangerous situations

In order to prepare for an unexpected dangerous situation it is important that the personnel is trained in co-operation with the Rescue Department. University personnel needs to know how to act in case of an emergency and how to guide the rescue department to the destination, and laboratory personnel needs to know how to exit the property. The rescue department needs to know about any facility within the premises that has special demands or function.

Safety procedures

Safety at premises

Access control

The property has a physical access control system in use. This system aims to prevent unauthorised people from entering the premises. In the event that you detect a flaw in terms of the access control system, make a report.

Access control
Description The main doors of Päärakennus building are open on weekdays from 7.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Working, studying and hobby facilities of Hervanta campus are available for students and staff around the clock. Buildings in campus area are divided into access control areas and can be accessed through access controlled doors by using a key card.

The property has a recording CCTV system.

Camera surveillance
Description The property has surveillance cameras in public spaces.
Service person Juha Huhtala
phone 0504478540

The property has burglar alarms

Burglar alarm
Description The property is equipped with door alarms and glass breakaway detectors.
Service person Juha Huhtala
phone 0504478540


Emergency surveillance
Description The doors and windows are equipped with surveillance alarms. Alarms are directed to the Info desk from Monday to Friday at 8 a.m. till 4 p.m., and respectively to AVARN Security Oy at other times.
Location Päärakennus building, The entire property
Contact Vartiointi: AVARN Security Oy
phone 0505967120
Lobby doorman
Description Open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location Päärakennus building, 1. floor main lobby
Contact Päärakennuksen infopiste
phone 0294524010
Local security
Description Security guards go round the property during the evenings on weekdays and night time.
Location Päärakennus building
District surveillance
Description Security guards go round the property at weekends.
Location Päärakennus building

Extinguishing equipment

Location Extinguishing equipment Description
For example near the kitchen facilities Fire blanket Is suitable for extinguishing for example kitchen fires or people on fire.
In the hallways, public areas etc. Fire extinguisher Fire extinguishers are mainly powder extinguishers that are suitable for regular fire extinguishing. The property is also equipped with CO2 -extinguishers (carbon dioxide) that are suitable for extinguishing for example liquid and electric fires.
In lobbies, staircases and corridors Fire hydrant Suitable for extinguishing solid (fiber like) fires. Not suitable for extinguishing fires of electrical devices or liquid and grease fires.
Hand-held fire extinguishers should be inspected:
  • at least yearly when the extinguisher is subjected to factors affecting its operational ability, such as moisture, vibration or fluctuations in temperature (outdoor areas)
  • at least once every two years (indoor areas)
Fire hydrants should be inspected:
  • The functionality of the rapid fire hydrants should be checked every year. A pressure test for the rapid fire hydrant hoses should be performed at five-year intervals.

Protection models

Päärakennus building
Type Number of floors Description of implementation
The property's own kaikki Virka-aikana kiinteistöhuollon työntekijät ottavat pelastuslaitoksen vastaan ja ohjaavat kohteessa. Virka-ajan ulkopuolella tapahtuneissa hälytyksissä ohjauksesta kohteessa vastaa kiinteistöhuollon päivystäjä.
Regional monitors kaikki Yliopiston henkilökunnasta on muodostettu turvaryhmiä, jotka toimivat turvallisuusorganisaation tukena turvallisuuden varmistamisessa osana jokapäiväistä toimintaa sekä mahdollisissa poikkeustilanteissa.

Safety equipment

Smoke extraction

The purpose of smoke ventilation is to remove fire gases, smoke and heat from the premises. The smoke ventilation equipment must be maintained and tested regularly according to the user maintenance instructions. The smoke ventilation equipment may only be used by the rescue services.

Smoke removal machine
Location of smoke extraction hatches Smoke ventilation windows in the staircases and on the roof and smoke ventilation hatches on the basement floor.
Description The property has electrically operated smoke ventilation windows in the staircases (four units in total), manual controls in the staircases and smoke ventilation control centre. There are also manually opened smoke ventilation windows (six units) on the 3. floor rooftop, as well as smoke ventilation hatches (four units) on the basement floor that are manually opened from the yard level.
Location of centre Smoke ventilation control centre is located on the 2. floor staircase PA201B in electric cabinet, and smoke ventilation centre is located on the 6. floor in room PA607
Smoke removal activation Manual launch in the staircases, manual opening on the roof and at yard level

Exit guide, security or signal light

Emergency exit signs show how to to exit the building. Any faulty or incomplete signs must be reported to property maintenance services.

Exit guide, security or signal light
Location Emergency exit lighting at the exit routes and exits
Description The building is equipped with safety lightning system that covers exit lightning and emergency lighting.
Location of centre Three safety lightning control panels in total: Basement floor in storage room PA005 and ventilation machinery room PC017, and 2. floor in room PB217
Coverage The entire building

HVAC alarm system

The HVAC alarm system will alert on any fault situations in building engineering.

HVAC alarm
Description The building automation system is connected to the campus area central monitoring station that is located in the Päärakennus building. Alarms are directed to property managers or external on-call service organization via the central monitoring station.
Company to which alarms are directed Are Oy

First aid

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act (738/2002) 46 §, the employer is obligated to ensure the availability of first aid to employees and other personnel at the work place, to provide directions for getting first aid, as well as reserve enough first aid supplies at the work place or in its close proximity.

  • First aid training has been organised.
  • People capable of administering first aid have been identified. The list of first aid-skilled people is located at: Risk Manager Mirva Seppänen has the list.
  • The ambulance will be directed to: To the nearest exit.
  • Emergency contact person: aulapalvelut.
The property has the following first aid items available:
Utensil Location
First aid cabinet On every floor
Defibrillator 1. floor A-section in the main lobby
Eye-rinsing equipment In the basement, in premises of the property maintenance

Fire safety

Fire alarm

The purpose of the automatic fire alarm system is to warn people in the property about an imminent fire. The system detects fires quickly as sensors react to the fire and the alarm bells start ringing. The system will alert the emergency response centre automatically.

Fire alarm
Location Three fire alarm central panels in total: one unit on the 1. floor in A-section main lobby, and two units in the basement in storage room PA005
Description The property has a fire alarm system that is connected to the regional fire brigade control and equipped with fire alarm buttons.
Location of centre
  1. floor A-section in the main lobby
Coverage The entire building
Type of centre Esmi FX
Attendant Janne Puranen
Campusta Oy
phone 0503187132
Caretaker's deputy HH-kiinteistöpalvelut Oy
phone 0103950395

Securing the functionality of the notification transfer connection

  • Periodic maintenance and malfunction repairs
  • Monthly testing of the notification transfer connection
  • Periodic inspections

Actions in the event of malfunction of the notification transfer connection

In the event that a malfunction is detected in the notification transfer connection, an enhanced surveillance is performed on the premises with the help of personnel.

  • Connection to the emergency centre
  • An on-call person to supervise the fire alarm centre
  • An on-call person makes the emergency notification if needed and guides the rescue department to the site of fire

Fire compartmentalisation

The purpose of fire compartmentalisation is to limit the spread of smoke and fire and to secure safe exiting. For this reason, it is very important that the fire doors are kept closed. Fire doors must not be wedged open.

The floors, basement floors and attic of the building are generally divided into separate fire compartments.

The size of a fire compartment is generally limited so that a fire starting in the compartment does not cause excessively large property damage.

Spaces which differ from each other fundamentally in terms of usage or fire load are divided up into separate fire compartments, if it is necessary for the protection of property or personnel. (usage way compartmentalisation)

Rescue route

The rescue way is a drive way, which the rescue department's vehicles can use in emergency situations to reach to within close proximity of the building.

  • It is not permitted to park cars, pile up snow, set up lampposts, plant vegetation, or do, leave, or set up anything else that might block traffic on the rescue way.
  • Escape routes must be indicated with a text sign in accordance with Ministry of the Interior decree no. 468 of 2003.
  • A rescue way sign is not used if the rescue way is not marked in the building's construction permits.
  • Please contact rescue authorities for advice on any escape route questions.
Rescue route
Location Along the Korkeakoulunkatu street to the front yard of the building and around the building to the vicinity of sections B and C. Rescue roads are marked on the protection layouts.

Emergency exit routes

The principle of exit safety is that all spaces of the building must haveat least two exit routes at all times which do not require keys or othertools to open the doors. Doors are not to be kept double-locked during working hours. Objects are not to be stored in front of the exits.

There are the following types of evacuation procedure in the property:

Building Evacuation procedures
Päärakennus building Evacuation is conducted along the nearest safe exit route to the gathering area outside. In most cases the normal exit routes of the building are used as emergency exits. In addition, there are a few separate exits that are only used in emergency situations. When exiting, it must be noted that there are no other persons left in the room. Fire doors and ordinary doors should be left closed.
Gathering area: Steps outside the Festia building

Extinguisher water collection point

Extinguisher water collection point
Location Fire hydrant is located in the outdoor area between the Kampusareena and Tietotalo building.

Hot work

Hot work is defined as work in which sparks arise or in which naked flames or other heat sources are used and may cause a fire hazard. Such work includes e.g. oxyacetylene and arc welding, flame and arc cutting, disc cutting and metal grinding, which create sparks, as well as work involving the use of gas burners, other open fire or combustion air blowers. Alternative methods must always be considered for hot work due to the fire hazard it presents.

Carrying out hot work always requires a hot work licence. The person carrying out the hot work must have a valid hot work card.

Hot work licences can be granted by the following people responsible for hot work:

Ari Särkkä
Campusta Oy
phone 0503471430

The fire alarm system tender must take care of any deactivations needed so that the hot work or other refurbishment work does not cause an unnecessary fire alarm.

Any possible fire alarm system deactivations are to be fixed.

Smoking area

The Hervanta campus of the University of Tampere is smoke-free, where smoking is only allowed in designated areas. Efforts must be made to prevent tobacco smoke from entering the interior. The design of smoking areas outside must be based on a distance of about 10 meters from the building ́s structures from which tobacco smoke can penetrate the interior.

In order to increase safety and prevent fire, it is important to pay attention to the daily use of the smoking area:

  • There should not be anything flammable in the vicinity of the smoking area.
  • The holder of a smoking area shall display signs indicating a smoking ban and a smoking area.
  • Fire-safe ashtrays are to be used in smoking areas.
  • Burning or smoldering waste material must not be mixed with other waste materials.
  • Cigarette butts and ashes shall be sorted cold, thoroughly not smoldering and suitably packaged as mixed waste for landfill.

Smoking is prohibited for example in the following places:

  • in the indoor areas of agencies and authorities and comparable public bodies, that are reserved for the public and customers;
  • at public indoor events;
  • in the common, public and customer-use indoor areas of work communities;
  • in the canopies and auditoriums of public events held in outdoor areas and in other facilities intended specifically for the observation of the event, where participants stay put.

Waste management safety

Proper location, lighting, and locking of a property’s waste point can prevent accidents and reduce the risk of fire. Attention should be paid to waste containers and shelters and the routes leading to them. The waste point or the exit corridors of the property must not be used as storage facilities. Loose objects in the garbage shelter and next to the wall pose a safety risk and are good incendiary materials for the arsonist.

Waste components are to be sorted accordingly to the designated waste container, in a way that the waste container lid can be closed appropriately.

Waste container row and waste shelter are safe to place:

  • at least eight meters from the wall of the building;
  • in a locked space so that a possible fire in it does not endanger the fire safety of the actual building.

Other arrangements


Location Päärakennus building has four lifts in total, located in A- and B-sections.
Maintenance company KONE Hissit Oy

Ventilation device

Ventilation device
Location Five ventilation machinery rooms in total: basement floor C-section room PC017, 1. floor B-section room PB140 and C-section room PC116, 3. floor room PA331 on the rooftop, and 6. floor A-section room PA602
Emergency stop switch location
  1. floor A-section in the main lobby. In addition, emergency stop for the air ventilation of all campus buildings on 0. floor from the central monitoring station

Ventilation shutdown

If the property is subject to an external hazard, such as fire gases from an adjacent building, ventilation must be shut down. In this case, the rescue authority usually issues an emergency warning, which also provides further instructions and a request to shut down ventilation.

In an emergency situation, the ventilation must be shut down entirely, with a clearly marked stop switch. The stop switch must be placed in an easily accessible location.

Action guidelines

Instructions can be found on the front page of the Rescue Plan, under the title ”Action guide”.

Civil defence

This property does not have its own civil defence shelter.

The property has a civil defence shelter at the addresses:

  • Korkeakoulunkatu 1, Tietotalo
  • Korkeakoulunkatu 3, Sähkötalo
  • Korkeakoulunkatu 5, Rakennustalo
  • Korkeakoulunkatu 5, Kalliosuoja (Bommari)
  • Korkeakoulunkatu 7, Kampusareena

The purpose of the civil defence shelter is to protect people from collapses, explosion pressure, fragments and radiation. Moving into civil defence shelters is always done through directions from the authorities. Accidents occurring in normal times do not generally ever require taking cover in civil defence shelters, with taking cover indoors being sufficient.

Informing and orientation

The Decree of the Government on Rescue Services (407/2011, Section 2) obliges as follows: "A rescue plan is to be kept up to date and it must be communicated in the necessary way to the persons of the relevant building or other site, who are obliged to take part in executing the rescue plan." The Rescue Plan and the most significant contents of it are to be informed to all personnel working in the property.

Orientation and informing: Managers are responsible for safety orientation. Safety organization supports the orientation. The Rescue Plan is also presented as a part of the orientation materials and safety materials of the organization.

*Safety training: Safety organization organizes safety trainings regularly and according to specific needs. Execution of the Rescue Plan is trained in practice by organizing evacuation drills for everyone who use the property.

Informing in crisis situation: In a time of crisis, the top management and the Communications unit will oversee all communication activities and agree on related responsibilities to ensure that accurate information is provided as quickly and widely as possible. Only the top management or a person formally authorised to represent the University (such as a head of unit) may make statements on the University’s behalf. The causes and effects of an accident or crisis may only be reported by the public authorities or those authorised by them to do so. Visit the intranet to stay up to date in the event of a crisis. Depending on the type of crisis, information may also be provided to staff and students via text message, email, the University’s website or social media channels.